Den illusoriske sammenhengen mellom foreldrefremmedgjøring og andre former for familievold

Hesam Varavei og Jennifer Harman.

Hesam Varavei og Jennifer Harman har nylig publisert en åpen artikkel i International Journal of Social Welfare (lenke vist nedenfor). Den er basert på en studie som han presenterte på PASG-konferansen i 2023 i Fort Collins, Colorado.

In the research for this article, we tested the hypothesis that a false (illusory) association has been put forward in the media and by special interest groups that when fathers claim parental alienation (whether it was found to have occurred or not), maternal claims of abuse of fathers are dismissed and mothers are likely to lose custody to fathers. Some critics, such as Joan Meier, claim that it is happening with "alarming" frequency. 

Harman and Varavei tested this idea, and found absolutely no support for it! 

It is a false narrative that is being spread in the media to push an agenda that is harmful to families affected by this form of family violence. Scientific evidence from this study, and several other studies, has shown this time and time again.

Feel free to share this article broadly with journalists who have spread misinformation in the media, as well as legislators who advocates are trying to influence to "ban" the use of the term "parental alienation" in court. In Norway, we remember that an influential group of psychologists have asked the authorities and the legal system to "scrap the term".


They need to be exposed to the scientific evidence, and their false narrative must be exposed publicly.

You can read the article from Varavei and Harmen here:



PASG Norge sin høringsuttalelse til ny barnelov


The illusory link between parental alienation and other forms of family violence