Unveiling the Importance of Parental Bonding: A Neurobiological Perspective

Jorge Guerra Gonzalez

Jorge Guerra Gonzalez.

Denialism, aimed at refuting the harm of parental bond severance, relies on ignoring reality and persuading others to do the same. This contribution aims to challenge denialism regarding the harm inflicted by unjustified severance of parental bonds. Grounded in evolutionary theory, attachment theory, and neurobiology, this examination aims to reveal the obscured realities.

Main Content:
Secure parent-child attachment fosters healthy psychological development, providing a secure base for exploration. Parenthood induces profound neurobiological changes, reshaping the brain's structure and emphasizing the enduring significance of parental attachment.

Attachment theory reflects an evolutionary imperative, compensating for human altriciality and facilitating essential parent-child bonds for survival.

Understanding the neurobiological foundations of parental bonding emphasizes the enduring nature of the relationship. Deliberate severance of this bond inflicts profound harm, amplifying into a significant societal issue. Acknowledging parental attachment's essential nature and evolutionary significance can foster positive outcomes for families and society"


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