Dear Participants!
Lena Hellblom Sjögren and Eivind Meland
Family is the ground stone in a society. That is what is said in article 12 in the UN declaration of Human Rights from 1948. Children - and we all as humans - need to be loved and accepted unconditionally to be able to develop to healthy responsible individuals.
The best way to accomplish that is for a child to be able to keep mutual contact with both good enough parents even after divorce and separation. This is what we focus with this conference about PROMOTING THE CHILD´S BEST INTERESTS.
We wish to make it clear that we now have enough empirical and scientific evidence to state that it is harmful to a child to cut off a good enough parent from a child´s life. An alienated child is what can be the result in a process of alienating behaviours that is not stopped in time.
The consequences of such processes affect many children, parents, families and friends. Therefore, we need to address this as an important public health issue. The conference will focus ways to prevent and to support children and families. We need also methods for thorough investigations so that the courts can have the best available information about the matter when they decide on custody, residence and visitation.
PASG - Parental Alienation Study Group- is an organization in which we study and learn. We are confident that the conference will enable us to do so. A WARM WELCOME TO ALL!
PASG 2024 Conference program:
PASG 2024 Conference registration:
PASG 2024 Conference speakers: